Ecole Polytechnique launches Innovation Management Research Chair with Arcelor, Dassault Systèmes, Renault, Valeo

The Ecole Polytechnique Innovation Management research chair aims to bridge the academic and business worlds. Its goal is to further develop theoretical approaches to innovation management and produce graduates able to take on the challenge of innovating within today’s businesses.

Bringing products to markets more rapidly, predicting trends and product usage, creating compelling new product offers, changing consumer habits…there are increasing factors weighing on a company’s competitive position.


The chair combines teaching and research activities. On the one hand, the Master of Science in Project, Innovation and Design Management implements contemporary concepts and theories in innovation management. The program lasts two years. It is open to French-speaking students from engineering and business schools. It prepares students for a business or consulting career, or for entry to a Ph.D program. The teaching program includes a one-year involvement with a real industrial innovation project. Student teams can experiment with contemporary innovation methodologies. Examples of Master projects are : Learning from a Disruptive Project (Renault), Valuing innovative service in Steel Business (Arcelor), Platform design management in auto industry (PSA)…


On the other hand, the Management Research Center (CRG) of Ecole Polytehnique develops the research activities of the Chair, in cooperation with international academic partners. The research program of the Chair offers doctoral and sabbatical grants on the theme of Innovation Management, a new research seminar and two specific studies analysis of collaborative inter-firm innovative processes, international comparison of advanced engineering and upfront innovation processes in the auto industry. The Chair offers, in partnership with Ecole de Paris du Management two monthly executive seminars on “Technological Resources” and “Creation”.


Ecole Polytechnique, drawing on its high teaching and research potential as well as on its network of academic and industrial partners, has already launched two chairs : the Chair “Sustainable Development” with EDF in 2001 and the Chair “Complex Systems Engineering” with Thales in 2004. Partnership between Ecole Polytechnique and the four industrial groups Arcelor, Dassault Systèmes, Renault and Valeo takes shape through a financial backing and research experience exchanges.


The Chair Innovation Management

will be presented to the press

on Friday 28th October, 2 pm Ministère de la Recherche

5, rue Descartes – 75005 PARIS

With Christophe Midler, head of the CRG et responsible for the Chair « Innovation Management », Yannick d’Escatha, President of Board of Oversees, Ecole Polytechnique, Xavier Michel, President, Ecole Polytechnique, Bernard Charlès, President and CEO, Dassault Systèmes Guy Dollé, Chairman and CEO, Arcelor, Thierry Morin, Chairman and CEO, Valeo, Patrick Pélata, Executive Vice President, Renault.

About Dassault Systèmes

Dassault Systèmes is a catalyst for human progress. We provide business and people with collaborative virtual environments to imagine sustainable innovations. By creating virtual twin experiences of the real world with our 3DEXPERIENCE platform and applications, our customers can redefine the creation, production and life-cycle-management processes of their offer and thus have a meaningful impact to make the world more sustainable. The beauty of the Experience Economy is that it is a human-centered economy for the benefit of all – consumers, patients and citizens. Dassault Systèmes brings value to more than 350,000 customers of all sizes, in all industries, in more than 150 countries. For more information, visit