In a New Virtual Event Experience, 3DEXPERIENCE World 2021 Explores the Freedom to Create
Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE World 2021 will take place February 8-11, bringing together designers, engineers, manufacturers, entrepreneurs and business leaders in a virtual experience to discover and share knowledge and know-how on increasing innovation and transforming their business.

Four days of thought leadership, industry lectures, meetups, panel discussions, product briefings and networking opportunities in an engaging online format will explore how SOLIDWORKS with its new, expanding 3DEXPERIENCE Works portfolio enables users to build on human imagination to create new ways of innovating, collaborating, and connecting with their customers. Event highlights include:
- Keynote presentations from Frank Stephenson, Design Director, Frank Stephenson Design; and Duncan Wardle, Former Head of Innovation & Creativity, Disney
- Featured speakers such as Taco Van der Maden, Development & Operations I.T. Manager, IKEA Communications AB; Grant Delgatty, Associate Professor, Chair of Product Innovation, University of Southern California’s Iovine and Young Academy; Titan Gilroy, CEO, TITANS of CNC; Jim Keravala, CEO, OffWorld AI; Jason Pohl, Lead Designer, Orange County Choppers; Brent Bushnell, CEO & Co-Founder, Two Bit Circus; Nolan Bushnell, Founder, Atari Corporation and Chuck E. Cheese’s Pizza Time Theatre; and many others
- Thoughts on the technologies and trends enabling innovators to shift focus from things to life, from products to experiences, and from connections to relationships, from Bernard Charlès, Vice Chairman and CEO, Dassault Systèmes; Gian Paolo Bassi, CEO, SOLIDWORKS, Dassault Systèmes; and others.
- 135 technical sessions covering design and engineering, simulation, manufacturing and production, data and product management, marketing and sales, executive and business, education and CAD management disciplines
- SOLIDWORKS certification opportunities
- Workflows, demonstrations and customer examples dedicated to four domains: the Future of Design and Manufacturing, Product Excellence Through Simulation, Hassle Free Data Management, and Manufacturing Software Excellence
- Insights on 3DEXPERIENCE Works portfolio developments as well as a look at upcoming SOLIDWORKS 2022 enhancements and the “Top Ten List”
- 3DEXPERIENCE Playground, where attendees can interact with Dassault Systèmes’ partners as well as with shop floor customers, the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab, student design teams, makers and entrepreneurs
For more information on the complete 3DEXPERIENCE World 2021 agenda and list of speakers, visit: