更なるデザイン・エクセレンスをもたらすCATIA V5-6R

本リリースでは、 3Dエクスペリエンス・プラットフォーム機能のメリットを、V5-6Rとのシームレスな連携によって利用できるようになりました。


DELMIA - Velocity Integrator (VCI)

Velocity Integrator (VCI) extends DELMIA 3D process planning information to the shop floor tightly integrating execution, process control and data collection in the MES system.  The Work Instructions Player combined with VCI integrates product, process, and resource data with links to executable functions and delivers them in a right sized format suitable for a variety of web-based devices including traditional shop floor workstations and portables.

Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

The Velocity Integrator is a configurable integration engine that acts as a bridge between the DELMIA 3D Planning and the data structures of the DELMIA Operations execution product. Upon a demand generation trigger, VCI extracts attribute, static 3D, and lightweight 3D data from the DELMIA System and the PPR hub required for display and execution on the shop floor. The attribute data is mapped into a form usable by the DELMIA Operations system data structures. The 3D data is stored and made ready for use through the Operations Execution product.

Product Highlights

  • Ability to generate a shop Order for any given configuration of the product that is being built and provide feedback to a planner about the status of the job for a given Process plan.
  • Supports automated web services based deployment and can also be configured to support shop order creation based on demand from most ERP systems and multiple sites.
  • Ability to automate the generation of 3D-based shop orders.

Product Key Customer Benefits

Customers stand to benefit from the application of a combined 3D design and planning tools linked to process execution:

  • The advantage to having an integrated start kit solution is in the ease of deployment and the ability to impact larger manufacturing footprints.
  • The DELMIA Operations product is web-based making it easy to deploy across a large manufacturing environment. Distributing 3D planning through this product will greatly increase the penetration and impact 3D technology has on an organization.
  • Deployment of the top-to-bottom solution is also impacted. Information technology organizations as well as Dassault Systemes consultants will have an easier transition from a set of application requirements to a working top-to-bottom system deployable to all parts of the manufacturing organization.