CATIA V5-6R eleva il livello di eccellenza del design

Con questa release, i vantaggi offerti dalle funzionalità della piattaforma 3DEXPERIENCE diventano accessibili per una collaborazione ottimale con V5-6R.

La collaborazione sociale, la gestione aziendale e le funzionalità di dashboarding della piattaforma 3DEXPERIENCE possono essere utilizzate per supportare i processi che utilizzano gli strumenti disponibili in V5-6R.

To enable organizations to easily manage and collaborate on product information from early in the design phase -- across multiple disciplines, throughout the enterprise, and across the value chain, in order to accelerate business processes, improve product differentiation and quality, reduce time to market and to facilitate innovation in design and throughout the product lifecycle
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

SMARTEAM Editor is the core, Windows -based product lifecycle collaboration application of the SMARTEAM product suite. It provides business collaboration solutions that enable enterprises to share, exchange, view, and manage product information from concept through obsolescence.

SMARTEAM - Editor enables businesses to manage various types of data and resources, including CAD drawings and assemblies, Bills of Material (BOMs), Office-type documents, including Microsoft Word and Excel, and more. In conjunction with the SMARTEAM Foundation, SMARTEAM Editor provides data security, file and metadata storage, and advanced (full text) searching.

Using SMARTEAM Editor, businesses gain improvements in product quality, reduce costs, expedite project turnaround, comply with industry standards and shorten time-to-market. SMARTEAM - Editor is complemented by a full application suite and best practices, including integrations to leading CAD and Enterprise applications, workflow and change management, Bill of Materials (BOM) and configuration management, multi-site support and more.

Through its Web-based interface, SMARTEAM - Editor enables secure product lifecycle collaboration through the SMARTEAM database from standard Internet browsers. In addition to EDR s Windows-based interface, the Web-based interface exploits standard web technologies to provide comprehensive access to the central SMARTEAM database and managed files for remote individuals and teams working on multi-platforms (Windows and Unix). Using a Web-based client, users can manipulate product data easily in a dynamic and secure environment from any location.

Using SMARTEAM Editor (both Windows-based and Web-based interfaces) and SMARTEAM CAD Integrations, users can employ the SMARTEAM Express methodology for achieving an end-to-end solution.

SMARTEAM Express contains the following offerings:

  • SMARTEAM Design Express (SDE) for design data management for design-centric implementation
  • SMARTEAM Engineering Express (SNE) for BOM management and item-centric implementation.
  • SMARTEAM Program Management (PGM) is recommended as an add-on to SNE implementation.

SMARTEAM Express speeds up the product launch process by employing a preconfigured solution for engineering and design departments, and mid-market manufacturers. SMARTEAM Engineering Express deploys best practices of working with Engineering BOM (E-BOM) starting from concept, through development, testing and eventually creation of the Manufacturing BOM (M-BOM). Engineering Express recognizes the importance of multi-CAD discipline, where both Mechanical CADs and Electronic CAD systems are deployed. Day-to-day product development processes are simplified by the adoption of ENOVIA SMARTEAM s Express solution.

Whether within the enterprise inside the corporate LAN, or dispersed in remote locations, across the corporate firewall using a WAN, SMARTEAM Editor (EDR) enables users to perform advanced searches and view documents without actually downloading them. SMARTEAM Editor web-based client allows remote authorized company and supply chain members to create, edit, view, control, and annotate engineering and office type documents, while performing lifecycle operations, enabling them to modify, track and manage product data, improve worldwide collaboration and decision-making.

Integrating seamlessly with complementary SMARTEAM products, design team members can have full access to corporate information, contribute to product development, initiate and participate in workflow processes (through SMARTEAM Workflow), and keep track of program-related data, such as projects, tasks and resources (through SMARTEAM Program Management) at any time.

In combination with other products in the SMARTEAM suite, SMARTEAM Editor provides a uniquely cost-effective and rapidly implemented collaborative Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solution.

SMARTEAM Editor is the backbone for:

  • Multiple CAD integrations
  • BOM management and collaboration
  • Engineering change management
  • Downstream synchronization with ERP/MRP
  • Supply chain product information collaboration
  • A distributed environment solution for multi-site companies

Product Highlights

  • Out-of-the-box solution based on embedded SMARTEAM Express methodology using Express tools for both data creation and data retrieval
  • Cutting-edge collaborative Item and BOM lifecycle management
  • Enhanced data exchange with ERP as well as external manufacturers and Vendors
- Items/BOM import/export from/to ERP
- Items/BOM import from Excel sheet

  • Change Management and Release Processes a controlled environment to manage engineering changes and processes
  • Comprehensive product data and document management, providing both the familiar Windows interface for work within the corporate LAN as well as a web-based interface for remote connection
  • Collaboration in a Multi-CAD environment
  • Product Structure and Configuration Management
  • Secure lifecycle management supported by an electronic vault
  • Supports local and remote initiation of and participation in workflow processes (through SMARTEAM Workflow)
  • User-friendly, Windows-standard interface for reduced learning curve
  • Advanced search and retrieval capabilities
  • Office integration and seamless, multi-CAD Support
  • Decision-support features
  • Robust viewing functionality
  • Advanced security and authorization mechanism
- Secure lifecycle management, with data secured in an electronic vault
- Supports user authentication and access via an LDAP server
- User, Group and Role -based authorization for data access and manipulation
- Project-based authorizations
- Authorization denial
  • Predefined Business Templates supporting vertical markets for rapid implementation and faster Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Incorporates industry-specific business processes and proven best practices
  • Easily customized to unique company needs, for reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Promotes innovation through advanced technologies, an open architecture, and industry standards compliance
  • Connects to various Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) platforms
  • Visual Components are embedded into an improved web-based interface, providing easier handling and enhanced usability of the profile card, grid, tree, SmartBox, menus and toolbars.
  • Multi-language support NLS Support

Product Key Customer Benefits

Improve design collaboration across the supply chain
V5R21 leverages ENOVIA SMARTEAM functionality to further enhance design collaboration, providing improved management of multiple CATIA environments. Offering seamless management of CATIA data originated in different CATIA versions, ENOVIA SMARTEAM V5R21 design collaboration enables CATIA data management across the supply chain and enables suppliers to work with multiple OEMs. Suppliers provide OEMs with CATIA data according to OEM standards. All of these enhancements to CATIA improve usability, reduce costs, and errors thus enabling faster work, improved accuracy and time saved.

V5R21 enhances multi-CAD capabilities for exposing design data to engineering by enabling users to open CAD documents from a specification item, and closes the loop between SMARTEAM collaborative engineering and CAD integrations.

V5R21 Design Collaboration provides improved performance and enhanced functionality and usability. The design releases of large assemblies can be executed as separate jobs within a system, keeping data integrity on a consistent basis.

The SMARTEAM CATIA integration enhances management for CATIA drawings by improving the text mapping into title blocks.

Extend remote access to users over the web
In V5R21, ENOVIA SMARTEAM leverages remote access for info workers by focusing on web and remote access. One of the significant developments is the enhancement of SMARTEAM - CATIA Web Integration (CWI). Enrichment to existing Web capabilities makes access to remote users over the Web easier through improved performance and connectivity. Users can integrate with CATIA through the Web in addition to the desktop-based integration, enabling remote access to CATIA. This translates into better performance and better capacity, and more availability to support additional concurrent users. Improvement is also felt in usability, robustness and enables richer possibilities and more complex design activities as a result of improvements to functionality.

Web lifecycle visual components for SMARTEAM s Web interface and skins enhance the look and feel and contribute to usability. Using the Web designer, users may influence the entire look and feel for the SMARTEAM web-based client..

Enable better performance and efficiency of remote CAD data management
ENOVIA SMARTEAM V5R21 supports data storage in vaults over HTTP protocol which enables better capacity and ability to support additional concurrent users. This extended deployment of SMARTEAM systems enables organizations to collaborate faster and more efficiently, gaining better performance and easier access to data which is stored across this extended deployment. Relying on this platform, ENOVIA SMARTEAM design collaboration over the Web provides enhanced remote CAD data management without having to be limited by distributed data storage considerations.

ENOVIA SMARTEAM s HTTP-based vault platform provides improved connectivity and more options for various PLM deployment patterns.

Easy access boosts collaboration across the enterprise
V5R21 fosters collaboration across engineering and the enterprise with enhanced remote usability and seamless digital mock-up, and expanded project security.

ENOVIA SMARTEAM V5R21 simplifies the collaborative process with a newly designed Web user interface that extends user productivity and ease of use. The visual makeover includes user cockpits, easy browsing and profile card viewing, providing an intuitive, friendly remote environment that streamlines work processes. ENOVIA SMARTEAM s seamless 3D XML capability intuitively represents SMARTEAM-managed data, for a further enhanced user experience.
ENOVIA SMARTEAM s seamless plug-in to V5 Digital Mock-up (DMU) delivers enhanced DMU functionality in a multi-CAD environment, enabling SMBs to enjoy the benefits of design review. Within SMARTEAM, engineering users open the DMU window, retrieve the necessary CATIA V5 product data, perform mockup, analysis and validation tasks, and capture, store, manage and access the results, improving decision-making.

V5R21 enables the securing of data by project, extending collaboration while protecting knowledge assets. Security definitions (user authorizations) associated with the project are applied automatically to the data. Engineers can leverage this capability to ensure exposure to relevant parties only. The enhancement adheres to recommended models for enterprise-level security.

Improved Productivity through Automation & Shared Data
SMARTEAM Editor allows manufacturers to exchange and collaborate on ALL product information throughout the enterprise and across the supply chain, helping businesses to effortlessly turn product data overload from design, manufacturing, and maintenance into an information asset that can be leveraged across the enterprise, for:
  • Increased Productivity: SMARTEAM Editor optimizes design and manufacturing processes by capturing product knowledge, facilitating access and re-use, while eliminating scrap and rework. Users experience dramatic performance benefits in their work processes within days.
  • Accelerated Return on Investment: SMARTEAM Editor s powerful and efficient implementation tools, and intuitive, user-friendly, Win interface, reduce the learning curve to generate results at each project stage, creating exceptionally rapid ROI.

Improved Design and Manufacturing Accuracy
SMARTEAM Editor enhances design and manufacturing quality by helping standardize work methods, providing a secure repository for product data, automating workflow and change management, and facilitating collaboration across the extended enterprise. Moreover, SMARTEAM Editor assists businesses in complying with industry quality standards, providing a complete document audit trail.

Data Integrity & Security
Securing and controlling mission-critical data is a key issue today, and SMARTEAM Editor provides secure real-time access for authorized users to current information from virtually anywhere on the globe. Authorizations are based on a user s personal or group role, global role and role-in-project.

Better Control of ALL Project Documentation
SMARTEAM Editor is the core product data repository, capturing enterprise intellectual property at its source through mechanical CAD, electrical CAD or Bill of Materials initial creation, and driving product information across the extended enterprise through cross-platform data exchange. The authorizations to access information and perform operations on the information can be governed by the project to which the information belongs, using the Project-based authorizations.

Reduced Time-to-Market and Time-to-Volume
Through its robust enterprise product platform and additional supply chain collaboration tools, SMARTEAM Editor turns the extended enterprise into a virtual community, with dramatic bottom-line benefits.