CATIA V5-6R eleva il livello di eccellenza del design

Con questa release, i vantaggi offerti dalle funzionalità della piattaforma 3DEXPERIENCE diventano accessibili per una collaborazione ottimale con V5-6R.

La collaborazione sociale, la gestione aziendale e le funzionalità di dashboarding della piattaforma 3DEXPERIENCE possono essere utilizzate per supportare i processi che utilizzano gli strumenti disponibili in V5-6R.

Boosts users productivity by providing users with a catalog of human postures.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

Human Posture Catalog 2 (HPC) provides users with two sets of catalogs containing more than 350 postures for both static and grasping postures. It enables users to quickly insert a manikin in a digital mockup and fine tune it if needed until reaching the targeted manikin position. Estimated time gain to generate a simulation using catalogs can be as high as 70%.

Product Highlights

  • Saves time using the use of a catalog of pre-defined manikin postures
  • Promotes human modeling simulation to more users though an improved user experience

Product Key Customer Benefits

Time Saver!
Human Posture Catalog 2 (HPC) provides users with climbing, driving, crawling, hand counting, sitting and standing static postures as well as with more than 200 grasping postures adapted to more than 60 tools. Catalogs are also adapted to different population percentile for a maximum grasping precision. Estimated gains due to the catalog usage can be as high as 70% for novice users, close to 50% for experts.

Better User Experience
Catalogs greatly improve the usage of digital manikins and enable also to promote human modeling to more users. Starting from a standard posture, the user can fine tune the different postures if necessary and save it for future use.