Conserving its heritage is one of the many concerns of the municipality of Jaipur, the capital and largest city in the Indian state of Rajasthan. Founded under the Mughal Empire at the start of the 18th century, the pink city presents displays great architectural unity and holds UNESCO World Heritage status. In 2018, 1.8 million tourists visited this city of about 3.1 million residents. Jaipur has adopted the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to connect all administrators in a single digital repository in order to plan, analyze, simulate and optimize services and infrastructure to provide residents with a better citizen experience and improve their quality of life. Jaipur is one of 100 cities being used as development models in the Smart Cities Mission, an initiative launched by the Government of India.

dollar GDP
(1,864 square miles) covered by the region’s master development plan.
Involving residents
The 3DEXPERIENCE platform will provide all city administrators with access to the city’s digital twin. Currently, most of the many municipal agencies work in silos. The platform will enable all departments to work closely together to optimize planning based on analyses and simulation studies in a 3D city context. Rapid urbanization creates many negative biases for residents and tourists alike, such as poor air quality, chaotic traffic conditions, dangerous walking environments and inadequate waste management. In addition, intense real estate development does not reflect Jaipur’s heritage and cultural philosophy. How can Jaipur be a city desired for living and visiting?
Today, many projects, such as the construction of a bridge, are rejected by citizens because it will reduce vegetation. City leaders therefore want to involve residents in planning and decision-making to properly manage conflicts and objections. A 3D model is undoubtedly the best way to communicate because it can provide tangible elements for analyzing citizens’ opinions, increasing renewable energies, optimally positioning video surveillance cameras and improving mobility. For example, by assessing the amount of rainwater recovered from each building, authorities can anticipate whether the volume collected is sufficient to meet residents’ daily needs,or whether they will need an additional supply of public water.
The 3DEXPERIENCE platform helps involve citizens and businesses to optimize services and ensure pleasant experiences. The cities of tomorrow will be both more sustainable and more socially responsible. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform holds great promise to help the leadership in Jaipur involve citizens and businesses to optimize services and ensure pleasant experiences. It offers an unparalled means for helping cities like Jaipur be more sustainable and more socially responsible, and desirable for both residents and visitors.