CATIA V5-6R liefert Spitzenleistung

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Die Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit in sozialen Netzwerken, das Unternehmensmanagement sowie die Dashboard-Funktionen der 3DEXPERIENCE Plattform können zur Unterstützung von Prozessen mit den V5-6R Werkzeugen eingesetzt werden.

DELMIA- Standard Time Measurement 2 (STM)
DELMIA Standard Time Measurement allows users to efficiently and reliably determine the time required to perform a specific job sequence based on commonly used time measurement methods or company-proprietary time standards. Its intuitive user interface allows multiple users to work efficiently after only a brief familiarization period.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

  • Quick and efficient generation of time analyses with all common analysis procedures
  • Capture and management of estimated and recorded time values
  • Checking of rules for accuracy and totality
  • Structured management of time analyses and library as a central repository for general purpose Data
  • Data compression capability over any number of data levels
  • Structured data management
  • Automatic updating of time values
  • Creation of user-defined formulas for determining process times
  • Design of user-defined print forms
  • Flexible search mechanisms using search patterns
  • Extensive user configuration and authorization/security options
  • Import of ERGOTime data
  • Tools for data management

DELMIA Standard Time Measurement is an add-on product for PPR Navigator & Editor.

Product Highlights

Quick and efficient generation of time analyses with all common analysis procedures
(via the optional DELMIA MTM, SAM, and Work Factor products.)

  • Structured management of time analyses and library function as a central repository for general purpose Data
  • Creation of user-defined data cards
  • Creation of user-defined formulas for determining process times
  • Design of user-defined print forms
  • Protocols
  • Flexible search mechanisms using search patterns
  • Import of ERGOTime data

Product Key Customer Benefits

Quick and efficient generation of time analyses with all common analysis procedures
Available Standard Time Methods(via the optional DELMIA MTM, SAM, and STM Work Factor products.)
  • Standard Data
  • UAS
  • MEK

Structured management of time analyses and library function as a central repository for general purpose Data
DELMIA Standard Time Measurement manages time analyses and time elements enabling the user to access identical production structures across all DELMIA software. DELMIA Standard Time Measurement gives the user complete freedom in creating and structuring time analyses. Time analyses can be compressed over any number of data levels; i.e., the system allows any time structure, from basic procedures (standard and repeat activities) through partial operations and operations to sub-assemblies, assemblies and products. With the library concept, users can perform time analyses efficiently, quickly and with consistent accuracy. The library data can be referenced in any other analysis or work process. Changes made to library data are automatically reflected in all analyses and work processes. Thus, an up-to-date time analysis database is available to the user at all times.

Creation of user-defined formulas for determining process times
Process-oriented sequences can be computed with the formula system available in DELMIA Standard Time Measurement. Formulas are created quickly and effortlessly using a simple but comprehensive definition language. Once a formula has been defined as a library element, it is available for use by any user whenever needed.

Design of user-defined print forms
DELMIA Standard Time Measurement allows the user to control the output of results in a flexible and individual manner. Variants to printed forms can be easily created. These variants are determined for a particular standard time method and provide highly differentiated and flexible arrangement of forms.

Flexible search mechanisms using search patterns
The finder for special search operations
  • Flexible configuration of filter criteria. Up to 20 filter criteria can be activated in the standard version. Other criteria may be added as needed by configuring accordingly.
  • Expanded search with any combination of OR and AND with the use of all filter criteria available.
  • Direct processing of time analyses displayed in the list view with the search results.