CATIA V5-6R liefert Spitzenleistung

Mit diesem Release können Sie auf die Vorteile der Funktionalitäten der 3DEXPERIENCE Plattform in nahtloser Zusammenarbeit mit V5-6R zugreifen.


Die Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit in sozialen Netzwerken, das Unternehmensmanagement sowie die Dashboard-Funktionen der 3DEXPERIENCE Plattform können zur Unterstützung von Prozessen mit den V5-6R Werkzeugen eingesetzt werden.

DELMIA Automation CLM C Code Generator 1 (CG1)
DELMIA Automation CLM C Code Generator provides the user with the capability to generate a controls logic program based on C code.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

DELMIA Automation CLM C Code Generator provides the capability to generate a control logic program based on C code. There are instances where a CPU is used to run controls logic in lieu of a PLC (i.e. specialized machine tools, aircraft / vehicle control systems, etc.). In these cases, the CPU will run a C based program for the controls logic. CG1 provides the user with the capability to translate the controls logic created in LCM Studio to the C based program used by such equipment.

Product Highlights

DELMIA Automation CLM C Code Generator provides a C code translator (uni-directional).

Product Key Customer Benefits

Users can generate C code based logic and create and validate their logic programs in a virtual environment such as LCM Studio and Controlled Systems Simulator then generate the C code for use on their specialized equipment.