CATIA V5-6R liefert Spitzenleistung

Mit diesem Release können Sie auf die Vorteile der Funktionalitäten der 3DEXPERIENCE Plattform in nahtloser Zusammenarbeit mit V5-6R zugreifen.


Die Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit in sozialen Netzwerken, das Unternehmensmanagement sowie die Dashboard-Funktionen der 3DEXPERIENCE Plattform können zur Unterstützung von Prozessen mit den V5-6R Werkzeugen eingesetzt werden.

Provide ENOVIA 3d com users with Web-based access and interoperability client functions for ENOVIA VPM Navigator.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

The ENOVIA Navigator V5 plug-in provides ENOVIA 3d com users with Web-based access to data and functions in ENOVIA VPM Navigator.
It allows the users to browse through product structures and access other product data. For ENOVIAVPM, it also supports many functions of the ENOVIAVPM Manager, Product Engineer and Engineer roles, thus providing strong support for extended enterprise wide exploitation of product data stored in ENOVIAVPM systems. The plug-in also provides additional high-end functions against ENOVIAVPM data such as reporting, manufacturing and supply chain interoperability and CATIA V5 interoperability.
To access ENOVIA VPM Navigator, a user needs to have appropriate authorization.

Product Highlights

  • Common ENOVIAVPM client for both Windows and UNIX platforms.
  • Easy-to-use, web based application
  • Provides management and designer and product engineer application functions
  • Leverages connectivity with external applications including CATIA V4, CATIA V5, ENOVIA V5 and Office
  • Provides robust capabilities to drive ENOVIAVPM actions using ENOVIA V5 workflow engine
  • Supports recognised industry best practices (i.e. Design to Target)
  • Provide strong reporting functionalities allowing decision support

Product Key Customer Benefits

Customers with at least a V3C ENOVIA 3d com license and an appropriate ENOVIAVPM license benefit automatically from these functions since the relevant configuration includes the product. Best practices enabled include:
  • Support for a flexible and reactive engineering design chain.
- Subcontractors or remote sites that need access to ENOVIAVPM facilities over a Web link will use this product.
- Briefcasing allows work distribution and tracking.
- Most Engineer, Product Engineer and Manager role functions are enabled such as work definition and tracking, variant management, impact analysis, clash, access to product data stored in ENOVIAVPM, maturity and release control, transfer of CAD and other data to appropriate browse and authoring editors.
- Extraction and transfer of ENOVIAVPM data from design engineering to manufacturing.
- Exchange of data with ENOVIA LCA and very small suppliers using the SmartBriefcase protocol.
  • Support for relational design and design in context using CATIA V5 and DMU interoperability. ENOVIA 3d com together with the ENOVIA - Multi-PDM - CDM/VPM plug-in are key to deploying CATIA V5 and DMU across Windows platforms.
  • Decision support. ENOVIA 3d com is the link between ENOVIAVPM and enterprise reporting tools. It allows the user to search the database and transfer data into the appropriate tool (Excel, for instance) or in a neutral HTML format. Reports can be defined as templates and stored in ENOVIAVPM, then run regularly. Bills of material can be compared.
  • Interoperability with ENOVIA V5 Workflow products.

Note: Access to ENOVIAVPM functions requires an appropriate ENOVIAVPM license.