It’s no secret: Most people dislike or fear change, so they resist it. They’re too busy. Their current project is too important. They know their jobs and don’t need your interference. As a result, your transformation stalls, blocking the benefits it should have achieved.


Resistance to change is natural but can be minimized, lowering this hurdle until it’s no longer an obsatacle. Ensuring that your employees understand why the transformation must happen – to remain competitive, increase margins or protect jobs – is the key, and the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform adoption offer is the answer

As a tested and proven OCM approach, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform adoption offer builds and maintains enterprise-wide cooperation and support to enable success. This deliberate, people-centric effort engages everyone and manages the four major challenges that can derail an enterprise-level transformation:

Intent Trapped in C-Suite

Is mid-level management prepared to convey the rationale for change? If this is lacking, managers may find it difficult to rally their people. Focusing on how to accomplish tasks rather than explaining why they need to be accomplished could lead to poorer autonomy, motivation and trust within teams.


To ensure that intent for change radiates throughout the organization, the offer aligns all leaders toward a common purpose and equips them to articulate the urgency and rationale driving the change. A robust set of communication plans, compelling media and opportunities for dialogue enable a free flow of information.

Unrealized Benefits

When incentives for change or a clear shift in mindset is absent, ingrained paradigms and behaviors may derail the concerted modernization effort needed to achieve revolutionary gains. This could further harden resistance to transformation.


To ensure you achieve the transformation’s targeted benefits, the OCM team charts a clear roadmap to proficiency for all employees. This roadmap evolves in tandem with the project and aligns with your needs and responsibilities. With a deep understanding of the skillset and experience required at each rollout phase, the OCM team can define and deliver the right level of support.

3DEXPERIENCE platform adoption services > Dassault Systèmes

Tunnel Vision

With a laser focus on its technical tasks, the IT team may neglect the involvement of training teams, business leaders and the HR department until it’s too late. An exclusive emphasis on technical impact forsakes vital human factors, which may compound confusion and inflate the natural resistance to change.


The offer identifies people-oriented change impacts continuously and assigns the best available resources to address them. Proactive risk identification and mitigation, paired with establishing a change network to expand the team’s reach, ensure that each impact is managed satisfactorily.

System Integrator Weakness

OCM has been identified as a weakness among services provided by system integrators. Along with underfunding issues, OCM could become the weakest link in the digital transformation chain.


The offer compensates for system integrator weakness in OCM by supporting you with proven Dassault Systèmes best practices that combine our extensive first-hand experience with insights from the latest literature. A comprehensive team, seamlessly integrated with your organization and thoroughly familiar with the intricacies of adopting the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, allows you to make the right decisions to achieve your transformation objectives.

3DEXPERIENCE platform adoption offers > Dassault Systèmes

The Offer: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Adoption

The OCM team delivers a proven path to the successful adoption of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, along with all of its benefits. Aligned to Dassault Systèmes’ Value Engagement framework, this offer helps you navigate your digital transformation and avoid common pitfalls by focusing resources on the most valuable activities and maximizing your return on investment.

The Process from Consultation to Integration

Key Advantages

  • Engage your people and unlock their inner drive to contribute to a bigger purpose, gain mastery and perform with autonomy.
  • Make the right decisions by leveraging OCM best practices drawn from literature and Dassault Systèmes’ extensive first-hand experience with clients.
  • Benefit from a comprehensive team that addresses all aspects of a digital transformation Secure and accelerate the adoption of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • Align business strategies, IT strategies and roadmaps.
platform adoption planning > Dassault Systemes

It's Time to Embrace Change

Dassault Systèmes understands the major hurdles that derail most transformation efforts, and we’re here to help. Through the 3DEXPERIENCE platform adoption offer, you can prevent and remove obstacles to change by engaging your entire organization, sharing knowledge to align your people and charting a clear roadmap for transformation. Partner with us today to leverage an experienced team that utilizes best-in-class OCM methodology, adapts to your situation and is vested in your success.


Navigate your digital transformation and avoid common pitfalls by focusing resources on the most valuable activities and maximizing your return on investment with ADOPTION offers.

Our 3DEXPERIENCE platform adoption offer is available now. Please contact us to learn more about how we can make your 3DEXPERIENCE platform transformation advance quickly and effectively to achieve bigger benefits sooner.