Charter for Responsible Public Affairs
Public affairs refer to the activity consisting in liaising with people in charge of drawing up and deciding on public decisions or leading national and local public policies with the aim of influencing their decisions.
This document details the Group's commitments in the context of public affairs, and provides principles and guidelines for all Dassault Systèmes’ employees, irrespective of their function or position. It supplements, but does not replace, local or international laws, regulations and obligations, together with generally accepted standards of business conduct.
1. Alignment of Dassault Systèmes’ purpose and public affairs
Dassault Systèmes is a scientific company with a history of research and software development, whose ambition is “to imagine sustainable innovations capable of harmonizing products, nature and life”. Its public affairs activities are limited and are consistent with the Group's objectives and values of trust and transparency. They mainly focus on key topics such as industrial and digital sovereignty, sustainable innovation, and life sciences and healthcare policies.
a. Compliance with trust and transparency standards
Dassault Systèmes' commitment to responsible public affairs includes both a commitment to transparency, in accordance with applicable regulations and best practices, and an explicit commitment to respect the corporate responsibility principles enshrined in the United Nations Global Compact, aligning with universal principles on human rights, labour, anti-corruption and respect of the environment.
Dassault Systèmes' responsible public affairs activities are led by the General Secretariat and controlled by the Business Ethics and Compliance Department.
Dassault Systèmes manages its public affairs activities in a transparent manner. It is committed to transparency regarding the organization and budget dedicated to public affairs, as the Group is:
- listed in the European Transparency Register with the number 454608238523-04. Through this register, the public can easily access Dassault Systèmes' position papers and responses to European Union (EU) consultations, as well as the list of major professional organizations in which Dassault Systèmes participates. As a registered company, Dassault Systèmes follows the rules of the EU Transparency Register Code of Conduct in its relations with EU institutions;
- registered in the French « Répertoire des représentants d'intérêts ». At French national level, it aims to inform citizens about the relations between interest representatives and public officials concerning public decision-making.
b. Commitment to political neutrality
Dassault Systèmes does not make any political contribution or provide any benefit to promote and support any specific political party or public official.
All Dassault Systèmes’ employees are forbidden from using Dassault Systèmes resources to procure any benefit for political parties or public officials.
c. Contributing to organizations aligned with Dassault Systèmes’ commitments
Dassault Systèmes ensures that membership fees and contributions are paid to professional associations, industry organizations and think tanks that reflect the Group’s values and interests. Dassault Systèmes’employees should act within those organisations in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations, notably competition rules.
Dassault Systèmes is committed to collaborating with organizations that directly or indirectly contribute to the development or strengthening of the Group’s activities. In addition, Dassault Systèmes has also committed to working with other stakeholders to tackle climate change, and in particular, with organizations whose positions on ESG commitments are consistent with those of the Group.
However, Dassault Systèmes’ participation in these organizations does not constitute an endorsement or support of all advocacy actions undertaken by these organizations or their members.
In addition to its commitments on CO2 emissions, Dassault Systèmes joined global initiatives to promote sustainable development.
2. Commitment to responsible public affairs principles
Dassault Systèmes has set out principles and guidelines to be followed in every lobbying action that its employees carry out. In line with the OECD Principles for Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying, these principles rely on a culture of transparency and integrity in lobbying and on standards of professionalism.
a. Transparency and integrity in public affairs
Dassault Systèmes policy imposes strict compliance with national and supranational rules regarding public affairs in all countries in which the Group operates. In particular, employees must comply with anti-corruption rules in their public affairs. For more information, see Dassault Systèmes’ Anti-corruption Policy. They must also ensure that they respect any local registration requirement prior to carrying out public affairs activities.
Dassault Systèmes also promotes high standards of professionalism, transparency and integrity in public affairs. In particular, Dassault Systèmes’ employees and any external consultants must:
- respect the codes of conduct and charters of institutions and organizations with which they carry out actions regarding public affairs;
- declare to the institutions and organizations with which they work who they are and who they represent;
- act with integrity and honesty, and in particular provide their public counterparts with up-to-date, reliable and accurate information;
- avoid conflict of interest in relation to both public officials and the clients they represent;
- refrain from exercising illicit influence or obtaining information or decisions dishonestly or improperly or through undue pressure.
In addition, employees will follow Dassault Système’s Code of Business Conduct and comply with applicable international conventions.
b. Appointment of public affairs agencies
Dassault Systèmes occasionally appoints public affairs agencies. The principles laid down in this document also apply to those agencies when they carry out public affairs activities on behalf of Dassault Systèmes.
As part of its anti-corruption process, Dassault Systèmes performs prior verifications - due diligence - on all its intermediaries (distributors, agents, finders) and other third parties (major suppliers, customers, etc.). This process also applies to public affairs agencies.
c. Control of gifts & hospitalities to public officials
Giving a gift or invitation to a public official should be an occasional gesture and is strictly regulated by Dassault Systèmes. All Dassault Systèmes’ employees, irrespective of their function or position, must comply with the laws, regulations and internal company policies regarding gifts or Invitations given to / received from a public official.
d. Governance
Dassault Systèmes’ employees should not engage in public affairs activities without the approval of their hierarchy. They report on their activities to their hierarchy, and to the General Secretariat for most important files.
Employees representing Dassault Systèmes in organizations (professional associations, think tanks, etc.) that may engage in public affairs shall report Dassault Systèmes’ membership to such association to the General Secretariat.