Contact information

No matter where your business operates in the world, Dassault Systèmes is there to support you in your innovative projects. Find one of our office locations. 

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Interested in our products our solutions, or need a demo?

Have a Dassault Systèmes expert contact you and help you with your questions or discuss any of your needs.

You are a student

Talk with our dedicated team of experts, discover the Global Academia team or get your favorite software.


Imagine new horizons with us

Do you have dreams? Do you enjoy a challenge? Do you want to unleash your imagination and creativity? Join us to open new possibilities together with the power of virtual universes!

Dassault Systèmes presence

Dassault Systèmes has more than 194 offices in 142 countries. 

Our Headquarters

Dassault Systèmes Paris Campus
Dassault Systèmes Paris Campus is a collaborative platform connecting more than 23,800 employees and reveals the power of innovation capability.
Dassault Systèmes Boston Campus
Located in Waltham, Massachusetts, the award-winning 27-acre campus is heralded as a showcase for sustainable innovation, the creation of lifelike experiences using 3D and is Gold LEED® Certified, demonstrating the company’s commitment to conserving national resources.
Dassault Systèmes Shanghai Foxconn - Asia Headquarter
The Foxconn Building is the first LEED Platinum certified high-rise business office building in Shanghai. It's an innovative and intelligent building, with a river view and convenient transportation. The internal design and layout  are flexible, providing a comfortable working environment for employees.
Pudong Xinqu

Additional Information


Discover Dassault Systèmes partners accross the world and how to reach them.


Dassault Systèmes' financial and regulated information


Learn more about Dassault Systèmes' procurement and relations with suppliers

Vulnerability Reporting

Discover our practice for addressing potential vulnerabilities in our online presence and our software.

Support and Training

Find out about the latest trainings to improve your skills and keep technical knowledge up to date: question & answers, user's guides, developer's guides, best practices and more.

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About our company

We’re in the business of innovation. Through our unique solutions, we bring virtual twin experiences to everyone – including you!

Our products

Our portfolio comprises all stages of production, from design to delivery. We provide 3D modeling and simulating applications.


As the global leader in sustainable innovation, we’re led by an inspiring group of executives who are driven by our long-term vision of addressing the globe’s major challenges and helping our customers transform how they operate.

We are innovation-driven

For the past 40+ years, Dassault Systèmes has worked closely with customers to spearhead many technology breakthroughs that have had a profound impact on society and on people’s lives.